Our annual Adventure Queen grant is closed for the year, and our fantastic winners have now been selected (read about them here), but that doesn’t mean it’s all over! As there were so many amazing ideas submitted this year, we wanted to offer some top tips on applying for adventure grants – both our own Adventure Queen grant (keep an eye out for our 2023/2034 launch) and a few others.
6 tips on applying for adventure grants
- Make sure you really read and answer all questions in full
You’re probably super excited about your idea and just want to blurt it all out, but make sure you are also responding to the specific questions you are being asked. Many grant judges will have certain criteria they are assessing your application on, and if you haven’t answered a question in full they may not be able to score you properly. Unfortunately, this year some of our applicants lost marks because they forgot to include when they planned to do their trip – doh!
Sometimes there may be multiple components to one question, this (probably) isn’t intentionally there to trip you up (more likely us grant givers need to do a crash course in designing application forms!!) so make sure you answer all of them!
- Consider WHY certain questions are being asked
Again, judges will likely be reading your application with certain criteria in mind. In our Adventure Queen grant application form this year we asked “would you do this adventure even if you don’t win the grant?”. The reason we ask this is we want to add value through the grant and support women who otherwise wouldn’t be able to do their adventures (whether that be due to lack of kit, money, or mentoring support). Those applicants that said “yes i’m going to do it anyway”, were scored lower than those that had a real need for support.
- Read ALL the information about the grant before you start applying
This will give you the best idea of what the grant giver is looking for in applications (which will help with point 2). If they have information about past grantees listed, have a look at them too so you can understand the type of adventures that are supported.
- Gather all the information you need before you start your application
The more detail you can put in your application, the more convinced those reading it will be in your ability to make your idea a reality. Don’t forget to give yourself enough time to gather all the necessary information.
It’s highly likely you’ll need to give an indication of costs of your trip so make sure you have some rough estimates that you can include. Make sure you include everything otherwise you may end up with less funding than you need! Think about: travel costs, accommodation, kit, clothing, permits, food (jelly babies and all!) etc.
- Don’t be shy – contact the grant giver!
We’re honestly a friendly bunch! If you have a question about the grant, or a question is unclear to you – get in touch! Most grant givers are really happy to answer questions as it means they get more high quality applications. There is nothing worse than opening an application someone has clearly spent lots of time on, but they don’t meet a pass/fail criteria.
- Actually apply!
All the tips above are aimed at giving you the best possible chance of success, but at the end of the day, “submitted” is better than “perfect” when it comes to grant applications. We hear from lots of women who say they didn’t apply to our AQ grant because “they didn’t think they’d get it”. Well, if everyone thought that way then no one would ever be successful!
This year, not only did we select 3 grant winners, but dozens of other women who applied are being supported through mentoring circles, accountability buddies and resources to help make their idea a reality.
So go on! What have you got to lose?!

Adventure Grants
There are quite a few Adventure Grants out there depending on what you are hoping to do. Here are just a few to whet your adventurous appetite!
Adventure Queens grant – supports UK-based women to go on human powered adventures that push them out of their comfort zones. Prizes vary year on year.
American Alpine Club Grants – supports climbing, conservation and research projects for US citizens
Andrew Croft Memorial Fund – provides grants each year for expeditions to the Arctic regions as well as other initiatives that fit within the Fund’s Objectives.
Andy Fanshawe Memorial Trust – gives grants to disadvantaged young people to develop an existing interest in adventurous activities. This includes walking, climbing, cycling, kayaking, sailing, horse riding – either self-planned or for residential courses at an outdoor centre
BMC Expedition Grants – To suppport mountaineering expeditions.
Captain Scott Awards– Spirit of Adventure – Supporting Adventuous “Firsts”. £2,000
Des Rubens and Bill Wallace Grant -support projects that involve travel to wild places, must be adventurous, have an educational or scientific component – and be a life-changing experience leading to a commitment to practical action to conserve wild places. Awards £200 – £2,000
Grants for Exploration – small grants for individuals seeking adventure in foreign lands
Grit and Rock Award – Funds projects of female-led expedition teams up to the amount of USD 10,000. The aims of the annually awarded prize is to promote and encourage female participation in pioneering alpine ascents.
Jeremy Wilson Charitable Trust Grant – Various – generally for under 30s. Awards of £250-£1,500
Montane Alpine Climbing Club Fund- Montane Alpine Climbing Club Fund ( MACCF) grants are available twice a year for both official Alpine Club ( AC) expeditions and independent private expeditions involving members of the AC. £575 to £1725 per expedition.
Mount Everest Foundation Fund – Expeditions that endeavor to reach previously unclimbed peaks, unexplored regions, and gather new knowledge.
Next Challenge Expedition Grant – Supporting adventures with a focus on beginers. Awards between £100-£800 plus kit
Outward Bound Adventure Fund – for 10-22 year olds to go on Outward Bound Trust adventures.
Royal Geographical Society Expedition Grants – Different types of grants for advancement of geographical science/exploration.
The Yes Grant – For any passion project. Awards: £50-£500.
The above information was all correct at time of writing, but the world of adventure moves quickly so make sure you check them out yourself just in case things have changed!
Have we missed any? Let us know on hello@adventurequeens.co.uk!
Good luck and happy adventuring!