Adventure Queens launches programme for women new to/returning to hiking

Mar 15, 2023 | Walking, Adventure Queens

Adventure Queens is all about getting more women outdoors and we really believe our community and events help do that. 

But we’ve been thinking a lot about the women who haven’t even joined us yet. The women who don’t self identify as being an “Adventure Queen”. The women who don’t feel ready to join a community event. Those who need just a little more support.

We’ve got a few projects brewing to address this, but first off we are super excited to announce our new ‘Getting into Hiking’ programme!

Who’s it for?

This programme is for women new to/returning to hiking who feel unable to join existing community hikes at present due to low fitness and/or long term health conditions or injury. It will enable participants to build confidence, fitness and gain experience on different terrain in a safe and supportive group, led by qualified Hill and Moorland Leader, Suzanne Hill. 

What will it entail?

Once our participants are selected we will host an introductory session where everyone can meet (either in person or on zoom) as well as get to know Suzanne and have any of their questions answered. 

Following the intro session, participants will be invited to participate in 5 hikes, of different lengths and on a variety of terrain. The aim is after the final hike participants feel confident enough to join Adventure Queens or other walking group community hiking events.  

Where will it be?

This first programme will be based in Derbyshire and all walks will start from Edale, Hathersage or Grindleford

When is it?

Spring/Summer 2023!

Participants must be able to commit to attending at least 4 out of the 5 hikes. The dates are:

  • Walk 1: Sun 14th May
  • Walk 2: Sat 3rd June 
  • Walk 3: Sat 17th June
  • Walk 4: Sat 1st July
  • Walk 5: Sat 22nd July

Are there costs?

The programme is heavily subsidised, thanks to the generous support of the YHA’s Outdoor Citizens initiative and Sport England  but participants are expected to contribute a £20 commitment fee as well as arrange their own transport to the start of the walks. All walks will start from Edale, Hathersage or Grindleford. A travel bursary is available for those unable to afford transport costs.

We also know that kit (i.e. waterproofs and walking shoes/boots) can be a barrier so we aim to provide support on this too where it is needed. 

How do I sign up?!

12 women (aged 18+) will be selected to participate in this first programme .

To indicate your interest, fill out this form by 11th April 2023.

Successful participants will be notified by 14th April and you will be sent full joining instructions prior to the programme.

If you have any queries about the course, or require assistance with form filling, please contact

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