Adventure Queens that took the leap…

Dec 18, 2017 | Adventure Queens, Solo adventuring

These Adventure Queens are living breathing examples of individuals who have taken their first great leap into solo female adventure and have come careering, most ungraciously, out the other side.

These Adventure Queens have courage, and bags of it. And we mean real courage. Not the pretend ‘everything’s okay’, ‘I’ve got this covered’, ‘look at me’ bravado. But raw, honest and beautifully authentic courage.

So take your time to peruse their profiles, listen to their interviews and immerse yourself in their journeys. If reading their story gets you all inspired – why not let them know directly that they’ve set your world alight. And if you’re thinking of taking that first leap, apply for the Adventure Queen Grant where we’re helping fund one woman’s VERY first solo female adventure.

Wonderful women who have embraced solo female travel

ELISE DOWNING: Ran 5,000 miles unsupported around the British coast

Elise copy

Anna McNuff caught up with Elise in March 2016 on the Coastal path in Wales. Listen to the interview, and you’ll learn just how much she loves cake, her secret for keeping going when you want to quit, and why an irrational fear of cows is proving an unexpected challenge.


Follow Elise’s story: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram 

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EMMA FRAMPTON: Hiked Slovenia and solo cycled Cuba

Me cycling Cuba

Emma (aka Framps) hadn’t travelled solo until May 2015, when she decided to bite the adventure bullet by planning a hiking trip to Slovenia and a month of cycling around Cuba. She affirms that adventure is about finding the location, duration and method of exploration that suits you best, and then taking the leap.


Follow Emma’s story: WebsiteInstagram 

Email Emma


LAURA MAISEY: Ran 1,249 miles home from Rome


Laura wasn’t really ‘down’ with exercise and she certainly wasn’t a runner. A couple of years ago, she couldn’t run more than 3km. But all that was about to change. A year later she had completed a 90 mile self supported run and last year, ran 1,249 miles from Rome back to her London Home. Running has become a catalyst for Laura to better understand her own mind, and to pursue other passions in life – like writing.


Follow Laura on: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram 

Laura also blogs for the Huffington Post

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SUSIE PIKE: Cycled 5,000 kms across Australia


Susie had always been a keen traveller, but never an adventurer. She wasn’t an athlete, didn’t own a bike and was petrified of wild camping alone. But an event in Japan changed her outlook . After experiencing the full force of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011, she suffered PTSD and depression. It was a turn of events that taught her that life was to be lived. She gradually recovered, surrounded herself with good people, booked a ticket to Australia and set out to cycle 5,031 kms across it… solo.


Follow Susie: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram 

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