
15 Oct 2023


All Day

Pingo Trail

An easy and flat walk of just under 8 miles

What you’ll see: Pingos, long horned cattle, woodland and common land, wetland and swamps, Thompson Water, water violets
What even are Pingos?
Also known as kettle ponds, these pingos date back to the ice age, and Pingo is the Eskimo word for “hill”. As the glaciers retreated, they left hard masses of ice which eventually had soil over them. Then, as the climate became warmer and the ice melted away, the soil on top formed depressions, leaving a hole filled with water – hence the Pingo was formed.

There is some parking at Stow Bedon but car sharing is advisable where possible. 

For more info and to register to attend, join the Norfolk & Suffolk AQ group:

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