
19 Apr 2024

AQ Beginners SUP skills

Join the fastest growing paddle sport in the world, safely and confidently. It’s easy when you know how. Well in this session, we teach you the how. From paddle skills, to falling safely and self rescue techniques. In this taster session you will learn how to stand-up paddle on the river Wye at Ross-on-Wye.

This is an Adventure Queens community activity and instructor Karen Maidment is offering it to us at £30 instead of the normal £40. Minimum number of four to run the session.

Learn self-rescue techniques, correct position, and posture on the board so that you feel safe on the water.
Discover our coaching secrets for balance and stance when standing.
Apply all that you have learnt through fun games and challenges to seal the knowledge bombs in!
We’ll snap the fun as it unfolds so that you can share the memories for years to come.

The Hope & Anchor Pub at Ross-on-Wye

The details
2-hour session
£30.00pp all kit included
Attendees MUST be able to swim unaided
Adults only
Wetsuit hire 5.00pp if needed

To book:…/aq-beginners…/

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