Community Guidelines
Rules, we hear you say! But yes, sometimes rules can be good. So we have pulled together community posting rules to help keep the Adventure Queens community as it was originally intended – a safe space filled with support and positivity.
As we grow and things crop up, the rules might change. But below are the rules, as they currently are on Facebook. If any of them are a tad unclear or we’re missing anything, please fire us an email.
This group is a place for women in the UK and beyond to share videos, images, stories and advice from your nights and days out in the wild. If you’re new, just post to say hello, and if you’re after any specific advice – fire away with that too or check out www.adventurequeens.co.uk where a bunch of useful info is stored.
To make sure everything that’s posted is relevant for Adventure Queens, please read this little lot below before you get crackin’. These rules are set to keep this a safe, supportive, rockin’ place for you all to connect.
1. All posts should be related to wild camping and outdoor adventures, and from women only. Boys are cool, just not in these parts. This is supportive, positive place centred on encouraging others – not a place to discuss political issues or get on soap boxes.
2. All posts should be friendly and respectful of others. A little bit of light swearing is fine, we all get fu*ked off from time to time after all, but keep it in check.
3. Unfortunately we can’t allow posting of links to charity or fundraising pages, apart from in exceptional cases and with prior approval by emailing hello@adventurequeens.co.uk. We hope you understand that this is to keep the group content relevant for everyone.
4. Anyone posting links for personal, business or financial gain without prior approval will have their links removed. And if they do it a second time, they’ll be removed from the group. Sorry kids – this ain’t a place to be sellin’ your wares. If you run an outdoors business which you think could help the community members, we suggest one of two things; either offer your expertise/advice to the group for free (hurrah) or email hello@adventurequeens.co.uk and offer to write a blog post for us – where we can include links to you/ your profile.
5. Be kind to your fellow Queens. If you disagree with a point that’s being made, be tactful and respectful in your comments. And (like our mum always told us) if you haven’t got anything nice to say, best not say anything at all. We’re hot on this point and if it isn’t respected, we’ll need to remove you from the group. Please play nicely.
6. Images from this group should stay within the group, unless you’ve got specific permission from the person that posted it to share it more widely. We’re a closed group to respect and protect everyone’s privacy.
7. Before joining any activities or events organised by Adventure Queens HQ, please make sure you read the disclaimer – https://adventurequeens.co.uk/adventure-queens-disclaimer/
If we find any peeps straying from the above rules, then we’ll issue a warning, and/or remove them from the group.
For any questions about these rules, our contact email address is: hello@adventurequeens.co.uk
Big adventure-love
Adventure Queens HQ x